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Oct 25, 2008

Zend Framework + SVN + ZF Tools on CentOS

This first part focuses on installing svn + zf library + zf tools on your dev server. In the second part (coming soon) I will show you how to create a svn repository and import into it a simple zf project created with zf tools.

You will need at least a working web server (Apache2) and PHP version 5.

I'll be using utterramblings repository to install subversion and required packages for the apache server.

Import the gpg key for utterramblings repository:
rpm --import

Add the repository to yum by creating a repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d/utterramblings.repo that contains the following lines:
name=Jason's Utter Ramblings Repo

Install subversion and mod_dav_svn from utterramblings:
yum install subversion --enablerepo=utterramblings
yum install mod_dav_svn --enablerepo=utterramblings

You should have everything you need to start working with svn on your server.

Now let's install ZF tools to the server:
mkdir ZF_Tool
cd ZF_Tool/
svn checkout .

Now copy the directory 'library/ZendL' to a place that's in the include path of your php. In my case it was '/usr/share/php'.

Copy 'bin/' and 'bin/zf.php' to /bin and edit updating ZF_BIN_PHP variable to:

Don't forget to change their permissions so anyone can use them:
chmod a+rx /bin/zf*

For ZF library I've used the minimal package since it contains most of the stuff I use anyway without being bloated. At the time of writing this article 1.6 was the latest version, which I've got it from their site using wget:
tar zxvf ZendFramework-1.6.2-minimal.tar.gz

Copy the directory 'library/Zend' to the same place where you've put ZendL directory ('/usr/share/php' for me).

Now if everything went ok when you type at the cli 'zf show version' you should get something like 'Zend Framework Version: 1.6.2'.

Congratulations you are done with this part. If you want you can play around with 'zf create project' until I publish my next article showing how to use zf tools + SVN together to create the bases of a project.

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